Keeping It Simple

I'm Jason. I'm a 21 year old male who lives in either Klamath Falls, Oregon or Salem/Keizer, Oregon. I'm warning you now, I am absolutely crazy. I'm pretty nervous at first when meeting new people (sometimes), but as soon as I find that I can trust you...I go crazy and if you know'll see just how crazy I get.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Back home...

I finished my first year at OIT a couple weeks ago, and I feel that I learned a great deal. For my final programming assignment I decided to code the board game Sorry. It was a lot of code, but I think it turned out very well for a program that wasn't meant to be what I made it. I ended the year with a 3.24 GPA. It would have been higher, but I failed a math class, then I got a D in the class, so now I am going to take it one more time and get an A! Integral calculus is not what I enjoy doing. Every other math class I have ever taken has been a piece of cake, for the most part, until this one. It is seriously kicking my ass! Other than that school has been really easy. I even pulled off a B in my writing class that I was thinking I was getting a C in. This summer I'll be taking Writing 227 in the evenings for a few hours a couple nights this week.

Enough with school junk, lets talk about other stuff.

Last weekend I moved back home to Keizer. Before I did this I became a single man by breaking up with my girlfriend of a year and 4 months. Last week I went into my old job from last summer, PNWTG (Pacific Northwest Technology Group), and got a job again for this summer. Then on Wednesday of last week I got a call from Mentor Graphics asking me to come in for an interview for the internship I applied for.

I went in on Friday and was interviewed by six different peoples. It was pretty nerve racking, but I felt that it went great. I wont know if I got the job or not until later this week. You better all be wishing me luck.

Today I started back at PNWTG and am extremely bored. We had a morning meeting at 8am, and I was told that I would be getting an assignment to start on. Well, I got in, meeting lasted for less than a half-hour and now I am sitting around doing nothing. But I am getting paid $12 an hour to just sit and do nothing, so it isn't too bad.

So to sum things up. I'm working this summer, I'm single, and I'm taking a class at CCC. Along with this I am just going to hang out with friends this summer and have a good time.

If you wanna get a hold of me for whatever reason then do so.

Until next time...

Friday, January 07, 2005


I wrote about the crazy girl in my first post. Well I was supposed to hang out with her on new years, but she was upset because I tried to hang out with her more than she was use.

That is no problem. She isn't as good of a friend as I thought. She is also very dumb I found out.

I'd really like to not have to talk or see her again, but she owes me $45 that I need to get back. She was suppose to pay me back on new years, but as I said above, we never got together that night.

She then said on Tuesday that she would have the money for me on Wednesday. I said that was fine, but if she needed it I could wait till Friday (Today) to get it. She said that Wednesday would be fine.

I went to see her wednesday and she said that she told me to call her, but she never did say that so it made me even more upset. I said I would just get the money on Friday (today), and then left.

I then called her around 2pm to get my money, but she said that she wouldn't be home cuz her mom was picking her up. I said I was close, so I could just drop by and pick it up. She then said that the checks haven't even came in yet, so she hasn't got it.

I then said that I could get it later tonight or tomorrow. But she said that she probably won't have the money, because she was loaning it to her mom. I said that I really needed the money, and explained that I'm not borrowing money, but that borrowed it from me (again very stupid girl). She then said another lame excuse and then gave in and said for me to get it tomorrow, but that when I did, that she would like for me not to call her or talk to her any more. Which is just fine for me!

I then went to deposit my check at the bank in Fred Meyers. I then saw her there and noticed her with her paycheck in her hand. Not wanting to make a big fuss, I just slipped into the bank and deposited my check. I then came out and noticed that she must have seen me and then booked it out of the store.

So again, stupid girls are no fun!

Thats All I want to Say!!!

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Six days into the new good...

I've set some new years resolutions for myself:

1. Finish projects that I start (ex. webpages, programs, etc., etc.)
2. Lose a few pounds and get into shape again.
3. Get organized with my room, and keep it that way.
4. Start up my company, TechShack Consulting, and keep it growing.
5. Get in contact with old friends who I haven't seen or spoken to in forever.
6. Don't fall so hard for people of the opposite sex. I need to enjoy my youth for the time I've got it.
7. Save money for the important things. (ex. Don't spend $22 on flowers for a girl you only met once Jason!)
8. Work on getting out of debt more than I have been.
9. Keep in contact more with my family.
10. Make some new friends here in this town, and go enjoy this year however possible.

I think that is good for now. I really just want this year to be a blast. So far, it's been going okay. I've met a few people at work and at school, but haven't hung out with any of them outside of work yet. I will though.

Let me know what you think!

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Starting something new...

While reading a friends blog, I decided that I should start one of my own up. With the day almost over I have decided that I need to do something different that what I have been recently.

This was my day:

Woke up around 9am to the loud buzzing of my alarm. I then got up and checked my e-mail, because I am working on a website for a company, and I was getting a reply about it. The woman I am making the site left a long message with different things she wanted on the site. So I then spent the next couple hours on her site. I then got a text message from the girl that I was suppose to hang out with today:

"Work called me in for 2:30"

Was I mad or what. I was amazed that I heard anything from this girl before 12pm though. See, she tends to spend half of everyday just sleeping (or lying in bed). I wouldn't have a problem with this if she actually made it seem like I mattered to her at all.

I then called her around 9:30am to find out what this was all about. She said that she was the last resort for her stupid job to have someone come in. She wasn't suppose to work till 6pm, not 2:30.

I then asked her if we were still hanging out today, and she said, "yes". But she wasn't awake enough yet, so she went back to bed.

Now, that is fine for her to go back to bed for a bit more, but then I noticed the clock...

Still no call. I thought "Strange, she said she would call when SHE woke up".

Note: We were going to watch a movie today that ran for 90 minutes. Which meant that if we were still going to watch it that she would have to BE READY by 12pm, not getting out of bed!

Well, her uncle answered the door, and invited me into her house. It was my first time being in her place, and her uncle was a very nice fella. She then came in the room and said that she was going to call me when she was ready, and said she wasn't yet. This made me upset, but I decided to let it slide and to just wait around.


She is finally ready to go...AMAZING!

I then take her to get some ice cream and ask when she had to be home cause I guess durring that lengthy amount of time, she didn't get time to straighten her hair. She told me that she needed a good 20 minutes to get ready. I then said "2pm sound good?". Then I get this look as though I've gone mad. She says "I have to be at work by 2:15pm, so how about 1:45pm".

I just said "fine". (Even though she originally told me 2:30)


We got Ice cream and talked and such. It was a lot of fun, honestly it really was.


Done with ice cream. She didn't have any ideas on what to do next, and I wasn't in the greatest of moods so I just took her home.


"I'll talk to you later", I said with not the greatest amount of comfort.
"I've got my lunch break at 6pm", she said hoping we could hang out then.
Maybe we will get a chance to hang out I thought to myself...
Then I drove off.

2pm - 6pm

I got home, worked on the website, watched "The Hitch Hiker's Guide to The Galaxy", and then got ready to have dinner with the girl above.


Showed up at her work to see her going towards the entrance as though she was returning instead of leaving.

"My lunch was at 5pm", she said.

I then didn't take another look at her and just drove to find a place to park. I was VERY upset at this moment in time, but for some strange reason, I didn't say a thing about it.

Unless she is completely brain dead, she had to know I was not a happy person at that moment.

I asked her why she didn't call. Here is her reason:

"Well, I thought I told you 5pm, and noticed you weren't here. I then got hungry and FORGOT to call you.", she explained.

What the F*** she FORGOT to call me because she was hungry. Wow, did this make me even more pissed off.

Still, I didn't make a fuss about it. Which was probably stupid of me, but I didn't want to get into an argument before she got back to work.


Went to dinner...alone. Orderd food at Carl's Junior, and noticed that I didn't have my wallet.


Went home, found wallet, made ramen noodles instead.

7pm to 10:30pm

Watched a neat show on my computer, then started to read my friends blog, and decided to make my own.

10:45 till now (11:18)

Boring the readers with my bad day.

Anyways. That is all that I have to write. I could really use a hug...anyone... :*(